Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK Day in San Antonio 2013

   Martin Luther King Day has normally meant a day off of school for me as a student, a teacher and now as a parent. I never really did anything special on that day. I knew what MLK stood for and I applauded him, but I did not ever really "get involved" in anything related. Because my daughter is now old enough to be a Girl Scout, we are experiencing things together we might not ever have. The Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas invited Girl Scouts to participate in San Antonio's MLK march. It is touted as the largest in the nation at approximately 100,000 participants.
   Here are some girls from Troop 26 before the march began.
   I never thought I would ever participate in a march, but it was actually quite exciting. I love San Antonio and seeing the variety of cultures supporting such a movement was amazing! Seeing the Girl Scouts and families was inspirational, as well. There is no doubt that my 5 and 7 year olds focused more on "all the walking" (2.75 MILES) and want of water and snacks than the vision, but I know they will remember it. I am so proud of them surviving. They were actually more proud after they finished. Throughout the march we talked about the human race being equal and how much MLK brought the topic to light.  Every 20 minutes or so, I would lift up the kids to show them the number of marchers in front and behind us. Seeing their eyes pop was beautiful.
   A unique side note is that prior to the march I was interviewed by a local tv station and figured my quotes would not be worthy for air time. Little did I know that 6 hours later my girlfriend Michelle would FB me and say she JUST saw me on tv. Of course, that led me to scour the internet for the video clip, AND I found it!!! My hubby and I watched the video and laughed at my 2 seconds of fame. (Pay CLOSE attention to minute 3:10 if you are curious.) At least I did not sound like a total dork. The kids thought it was super cool that their mommy got two seconds on tv...actually, so did I.
   I am off to sign autographs... Have a great day!

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